Commercial Account Debt Collection
A new business deal is an exciting prospect, and it can be easy to ignore the possibility that your new client or business partner may get behind on their payments. Commercial debt collection can become complicated when a deal is made based on a handshake rather than with a contract. When such a deal does not pan out it can be difficult to recover the account because of the lack of documentation. This makes prevention and planning ahead a vital component of commercial debt collection.
As a part of Hoosier Accounts Service's comprehensive service, we can review your current documents and procedures to see if they are sufficient should account recovery become necessary.
We offer collection services in Indiana, Illinois and Kentucky and are located in Evansville, Indiana. We are licensed and bonded for collections in Indiana and Illinois (Kentucky does not require a license at this time). In the state of Tennessee this collection agency is licensed by the Collection Service Board of the Department of Commerce and Insurance.